What are Succulents?

What are succulents? Why are they so popular?

Succulents are a type of plant with water-storing leaves. The leaves are thick and fleshy in appearance, but some species have thicker leaves than others. Succulents prefer dry areas and don’t do well in high humidity.

Succulent Requirements

Succulents require warm temperatures and cannot tolerate being frozen. Because of the water contained in their leaves, freezing causes the plant to die or produce mushy leaves. Although some sedum and sempervivum species can resist temperatures below freezing, they are still better off in warmer climates.

Most succulents can survive for decades with only strong light, occasional watering, and the occasional feeding of all-purpose plant food. They aren’t picky, although mealybugs, scale, and other sap-sucking insects can be an issue.

While some plants benefit from being exposed to a lot of light, others might burn in the strong summer sun, especially in humid locations. For plants cultivated in direct sunlight, a sheer curtain may be required. Lack of light frequently results in lanky, poor development.

What are succulents?

Watering Succulents

Overwatering, in addition to freezing, is their deadliest enemy, as it causes premature leaf shedding and rots the roots and stems. Plant in highly well-drained soil with organic matter, coarse sand, and either perlite or grit, and water only when the soil is dry to avoid this.

There are several easy ways to propagate succulents. Depending on the type of succulents they can propagate easily from cuttings and leaf cuttings. These two ways are most popular and very easy.

What are succulents

Long-stems are usually fairly easy to root, but the cuttings are allowed to dry for at least a day to heal to reduce rot. An amazing number of succulents can grow from leaf cuttings or whole leaves. Some people grow new plants along with the tips of the leaves and the stems of the flowers. Just put it in the potting soil and it will grow into a mature plant immediately with minimal maintenance.

The most important thing why people love these plants is that you can actually plant them and forget them 🙂

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