Lucky Bamboo Tips for Growing

Lucky Bamboo Tips for Fast Growing & Regular Care

Lucky Bamboo Tips for Fast Growing & Regular Care

Scientific Name: Dracaena sanderiana;
Family: Asparagaceae;
Common Name: Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo: A Symbol of Good Luck and Prosperity

Lucky Bamboo, scientifically known as Dracaena sanderiana, is a popular plant that has been revered as a symbol of good luck and prosperity in Chinese culture for centuries. This beautiful and low-maintenance plant is easy to grow and care for, making it a favorite choice for indoor gardening. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Lucky Bamboo, from its origin and symbolism to its care tips and health benefits.

Origin and Symbolism

Lucky Bamboo is native to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, where it grows as an understory plant. It is not actually a bamboo, but rather a member of the Dracaena family. In Chinese culture, Lucky Bamboo is regarded as a symbol of good luck and prosperity, and it is often given as a gift to express well wishes and blessings. The number of stalks in a Lucky Bamboo arrangement also has special significance, as it represents different types of luck or blessings. For instance, three stalks symbolize happiness, wealth, and longevity, while nine stalks represent good fortune and overall luck.


Lucky Bamboo comes in many varieties and sizes, from small potted plants to large arrangements with intricate shapes and designs. The most common variety has straight stalks with bright green leaves, but there are also varieties with curly or braided stems and variegated leaves. Lucky Bamboo can grow up to three feet tall, but it is often trimmed and trained to achieve unique shapes and styles.

Growing and Care Tips

Lucky Bamboo is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to grow and care for. It can thrive in both soil and water, but is commonly grown in water-filled containers with pebbles or rocks for support. Here are some tips to help your Lucky Bamboo thrive:

  • Choose a container that is slightly larger than the plant’s roots.
  • Use distilled or filtered water, or let tap water sit for 24 hours before using it to remove any chlorine.
  • Change the water every two to four weeks, and provide fresh water with a pH between 6 and 7.
  • Add a drop of liquid fertilizer to the water every month or two.
  • Keep the plant in a bright, indirect sunlight, and avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or cold drafts.
  • Trim yellow or brown leaves with clean scissors to promote healthy growth.

Health Benefits

Lucky Bamboo is not only aesthetically pleasing but also has some health benefits. It is known to purify the air by removing harmful toxins and increasing oxygen levels. According to a NASA study, Lucky Bamboo can also absorb and remove formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from indoor air. In addition, having plants in your home or office can improve mental focus and concentration, and reduce stress and anxiety.


There are some common misconceptions about Lucky Bamboo that need to be addressed. While it is generally safe for pets and humans, Lucky Bamboo is not edible and can be toxic if ingested in large amounts. Some people also mistakenly believe that Lucky Bamboo can grow well in complete darkness, but it actually needs some indirect sunlight to thrive.

In conclusion

Lucky Bamboo is a beautiful and meaningful plant that can bring good luck and prosperity to your home or office. With proper care and attention, your Lucky Bamboo can thrive and provide many benefits, from improving air quality to reducing stress and anxiety. So why not add a touch of good fortune to your life with this lovely plant?

Useful Tips for Growing Huge Lucky Bamboo at Home

Learn how to grow huge Lucky Bamboo in water and turn it into a stunning houseplant with this informative video. Proper care instructions and tips are provided to help your Lucky Bamboo develop dark colors, shiny leaves, and avoid yellowing.

For faster growth, it’s important to follow the regular care tips outlined in the video. This container has 9 Lucky Bamboo stalks, which are believed to bring good fortune and overall luck.

Watch the video below for step-by-step instructions:

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