About Us

Welcome to my website! I’m Bojana Radovanovic, and I’m absolutely stoked to introduce you to Plant House & Garden – my little corner of plant love. It’s where I get to share my passion for all things green, and I’m excited to have you along for the journey.

My Plant Journey

My journey with plants started when I was just a 10-year-old. I have my mom to thank for that. She’d hand me a tiny towel and say, “Give our green pals a little TLC, Bojana.” That’s when I first felt the magic of plants, and I’ve been smitten ever since.

Just to clear things up, I’m not some big company; I’m just a regular person with a day job. But this place, Plant House & Garden, is where my heart truly belongs.

Our Journey Together

Around two years ago, I decided to start my very own YouTube channel, Plant House & Garden. My mission? To share all the plant wisdom I’ve picked up along the way with awesome folks like you.
Here is the link to check it if you like: https://youtube.com/@PlantHouseGarden?si=TUps9CD8LbNIciMz

Supporting the Green Journey

If you’re loving the plant goodness I’m dishing out, here’s a way you can support the journey. You can become a member of my YouTube channel, and it’s not just about helping me keep this plant party going; you get some nifty perks too. Or, you can check out the products I’ve whipped up – from digital planners to harmonious plant music – all designed to make your plant-loving life even sweeter.

Your presence here means the world to me, and your support? Well, it’s like plant sunshine on a rainy day.

Together, let’s embrace the beauty of plants and the magic of music right here in the Plant House & Garden community.

With Love,

If you enjoy my content, we can connect on other social media platforms below:

Please check my YouTube Channel Plant House & Garden and don’t forget to subscribe, it means a lot to me! SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4p-aYGRlqVnqblYoVHaeFw?sub_confirmation=1
If you like my content, we can connect on other Social Medias:
Visit my Web Site: https://planthouseandgarden.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boplanthouse/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boplanthouse
Twitter: https://twitter.com/boplanthouse
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/planthousegarden/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/planthouseandgarden
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@planthousegarden?lang=en