Back to Nature Homestead; I bought a Land in this Mystical Region
Moving back to nature. I bought a land in this mystical Region. Starting new life here. Natural Homestead living. This is Part 1 of the serial “Back To Nature Homestead” Welcome to my dreamland. I would like to share with you my immense joy. Several years I have been looking for a place that would meet all my criteria for starting a new life – back to nature, together with my family. In this video I would like to show you the whole mystical region and surroundings near my land. I said mystical because of the ancient petrified figures, huge stones, strange mountains, the natural pyramid above my land and the amazing stream with little waterfall. On these 3 acres we plan to build a house, a large greenhouse, a garden for growing organic vegetables, an orchard, and many other things. So this is the first video in the Back to Nature serial. In the next video we will start building the house! So don’t forget to subscribe to my channel.
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